Jen Fifield

Jen Fifield

Senior Reporter

Jen Fifield previously covered Maricopa County and Phoenix for The Arizona Republic, including the high-profile review of the county’s 2020 election. Prior to that, she covered politics and government for local newspapers in Maryland and state policy for Stateline, a news service run by The Pew Charitable Trusts. She has won several regional press awards in Arizona and Maryland for her investigative, feature, politics and education reporting. Jen is a Phoenix native and graduated from Arizona State University’s Cronkite School.

As systems come back online, officials must figure out how to protect against a catastrophic breakdown in November.

For now, residents who don’t provide documentation will have to use a federal form, or risk having their registration rejected. County recorders could face charges.

Detectives in Maricopa County arrested the temporary employee after finding the security fob in his house. Now all machines need to be reprogrammed and tested.

The paint just dried on the county’s new elections building. Will new people in a new place pull off a successful election?

Bryan Blehm has not shown remorse, state bar attorneys told a Supreme Court disciplinary judge in recommending stiff punishment.

Election officials are running tests and soliciting advice on handling the extra paper.

A rise in disciplinary actions prompts a debate about when their conduct crosses the line.

Lawmaker says his plan would reduce frivolous court challenges and improve voter trust. Some Democrats worry about confidentiality.

Inquiry into Steven Frid began in the fall after an anonymous complaint and led to his ouster from the Election Assistance Commission.