Election Security

They’ve been confronting the threat of politically motivated violence for years. Now, they must go further to protect and reassure voters.

As systems come back online, officials must figure out how to protect against a catastrophic breakdown in November.

But some clerks and legal experts aren’t convinced that the attorney general’s guidance will withstand challenges.

The burden will fall on local election officials to determine which records they’re obligated to release or redact.

The judge’s decision in an ongoing lawsuit puts the Wisconsin Elections Commission on a tight timeline to implement the technology.

Detectives in Maricopa County arrested the temporary employee after finding the security fob in his house. Now all machines need to be reprogrammed and tested.

An impending Supreme Court ruling may help define the limits of the First Amendment, and the government’s power to police online falsehoods.

The request to the U.S. Department of Justice comes after Texas undermined ballot secrecy in the name of election transparency.

The paint just dried on the county’s new elections building. Will new people in a new place pull off a successful election?

The action comes after Votebeat and The Texas Tribune confirmed that some voters’ choices can later be identified through legally available records.

Election officials are running tests and soliciting advice on handling the extra paper.

‘What we're seeing right now is that conflict between transparency and secrecy.’

The public has wide access to a trove of records that, in some cases, can be used to figure out exactly how someone voted. Election administrators want that fixed.

Lawmaker says his plan would reduce frivolous court challenges and improve voter trust. Some Democrats worry about confidentiality.

From Arizona to Pennsylvania, Votebeat’s coverage has led to reforms that make democracy function better.

Inquiry into Steven Frid began in the fall after an anonymous complaint and led to his ouster from the Election Assistance Commission.

They’re suing for the right to cast absentee ballots electronically, but security concerns stand in the way.

Claire Woodall runs through a 26-point checklist to ensure that ballots are handled correctly, and the public has a chance to watch what happens.

Al Schmidt, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state, answered audience questions about trust in elections and misinformation.