The directive seeks to cut down on ballot rejections and resolve inconsistencies in county policies.

The plaintiff is requesting a judge to require voters to return a signed copy of their absentee request with their ballot for it to count.

Counties split on whether to accept ballots from voters who didn’t fill the date in completely. That could mean more litigation.

Since the advent of no-excuse mail voting in 2020, thousands of Pennsylvania ballots have been rejected over missing dates, signatures, or other errors.

An effort to reduce errors — and prevent ballots from being disqualified — backfires as many voters fail to write in the last two digits of the year.

Mail voting has been under attack since 2020. This is how the state secures the system from fraud, and the grey areas remaining in the law.

Groups including the NAACP want the full 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to rule on the issue. A decision is not expected before the April 23 primary.

Party worries that the candidate’s unrelenting false claims about fraud could discourage its supporters from turning out.

Claire Woodall runs through a 26-point checklist to ensure that ballots are handled correctly, and the public has a chance to watch what happens.

Here are all the options, deadlines, and rules you need to know to cast a ballot.

Bipartisan bills passed this session will give voters more time and opportunities to fix mistakes when they request and return ballots by mail.

The ACLU is suing Delaware County, arguing that the Board of Elections misread the law and disenfranchised eligible voters in the May primary.

Want to vote early? Get a mail ballot? Use a drop box? Here’s how.

Columbia County’s two-person election office could never do it alone. Here’s what happens when the county’s bipartisan, collaborative leadership calls for “all hands on deck.”

¿Quieres votar temprano? ¿Llenar una papeleta para enviar por correo? ¿Depositar tu voto en un buzón de entrega? Aquí te decimos cómo.

The Commonwealth Court dismissed a case brought by the Republican National Committee, arguing that counties allowing voters to fix errors on their ballot had violated state law.

The counties make their own policies on drop boxes, fixing mail ballots, and more. Our maps show the uneven landscape that gives Pennsylvanians additional voting options based on where they live.

Much of Hamadeh’s election challenge advances to trial while courts swiftly dismiss nearly all of Lake’s and Finchem’s claims.

An analysis of ballots at risk of rejection for lacking or having an incorrect date shows they are more likely to come from non-white communities, among other disparities.