Democrats have enough time to decide on a new nominee without a risk to ballot deadlines for the November election.

For now, residents who don’t provide documentation will have to use a federal form, or risk having their registration rejected. County recorders could face charges.

The state says voters are allowed to return only their own ballots, but there are nuances that observers could seize on to raise suspicion.

At some point, ballots have to go to the printer with the candidate’s name on them.

Bipartisan legislation passed by the House sets stricter deadlines for resolving legal challenges and finalizing results.

But some clerks and legal experts aren’t convinced that the attorney general’s guidance will withstand challenges.

The judge’s decision in an ongoing lawsuit puts the Wisconsin Elections Commission on a tight timeline to implement the technology.

Lawsuit claims the state is violating federal laws on voting system accuracy. But experts say that argument is based on a misunderstanding of how elections work.

Communities that combined forces spent less per voter, clerks say. But they didn’t necessarily draw more voters.

The request to the U.S. Department of Justice comes after Texas undermined ballot secrecy in the name of election transparency.

Some people with a criminal history aren’t clear on whether — and when — they regain their rights.

The plaintiff is requesting a judge to require voters to return a signed copy of their absentee request with their ballot for it to count.

‘What we're seeing right now is that conflict between transparency and secrecy.’

After a setback at the federal level, voting rights groups are basing their case this time on a clause in the state constitution that affirms a right to vote.

The public has wide access to a trove of records that, in some cases, can be used to figure out exactly how someone voted. Election administrators want that fixed.

The decision is unlikely to affect cases the judge has overseen, but nobody knows for sure.

Since the advent of no-excuse mail voting in 2020, thousands of Pennsylvania ballots have been rejected over missing dates, signatures, or other errors.

The 2022 ban has changed the way some voters return mail ballots and how clerks collect them. The Wisconsin Supreme Court is about to consider overturning it.