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What would make it easier for you to vote in Philly?

Philadelphia’s next election is Nov. 7. Local elections historically have low voter turnout compared to federal or statewide elections. We want to know what is impacting your decision to vote or not in the upcoming race for mayor or city council.

A Black woman drops off her mail ballot in a drop box in Philadelphia in the 2022 election.
Kendall Alexander chose to vote absentee and return her ballot to one of the drop boxes scattered throughout Philadelphia in 2022. (Sue Dorfman for Votebeat)

Votebeat is a nonprofit news organization reporting on voting access and election administration across the U.S. Sign up for our free Pennsylvania newsletter here.

Philadelphia is having another round of city elections in 2023, and we want to know what might make voting easier for you — whether or not you’re planning to vote this year.

Your answers can help Votebeat spot problems in the voting experience that we’re not yet aware of and identify questions Philadelphians may have about the process. If you have any questions about the form, feel free to reach out at

If you’re having difficulty seeing the form in this page, this link will open it in a separate tab.

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