Democrats have enough time to decide on a new nominee without a risk to ballot deadlines for the November election.

They’ve been confronting the threat of politically motivated violence for years. Now, they must go further to protect and reassure voters.

As systems come back online, officials must figure out how to protect against a catastrophic breakdown in November.

For now, residents who don’t provide documentation will have to use a federal form, or risk having their registration rejected. County recorders could face charges.

The directive seeks to cut down on ballot rejections and resolve inconsistencies in county policies.

Hand-counting ballots

Election officials warn against the inaccurate and costly practice of tallying votes manually instead of using machines.

Democrats have enough time to decide on a new nominee without a risk to ballot deadlines for the November election.

They’ve been confronting the threat of politically motivated violence for years. Now, they must go further to protect and reassure voters.

As systems come back online, officials must figure out how to protect against a catastrophic breakdown in November.

For now, residents who don’t provide documentation will have to use a federal form, or risk having their registration rejected. County recorders could face charges.

The directive seeks to cut down on ballot rejections and resolve inconsistencies in county policies.

The state says voters are allowed to return only their own ballots, but there are nuances that observers could seize on to raise suspicion.

At some point, ballots have to go to the printer with the candidate’s name on them.

Bipartisan legislation passed by the House sets stricter deadlines for resolving legal challenges and finalizing results.

Reporting for Wisconsin voters means remembering that the stability of our democracy isn’t guaranteed.

But some clerks and legal experts aren’t convinced that the attorney general’s guidance will withstand challenges.

The burden will fall on local election officials to determine which records they’re obligated to release or redact.

The judge’s decision in an ongoing lawsuit puts the Wisconsin Elections Commission on a tight timeline to implement the technology.

Detectives in Maricopa County arrested the temporary employee after finding the security fob in his house. Now all machines need to be reprogrammed and tested.

An impending Supreme Court ruling may help define the limits of the First Amendment, and the government’s power to police online falsehoods.

Lawsuit claims the state is violating federal laws on voting system accuracy. But experts say that argument is based on a misunderstanding of how elections work.

Communities that combined forces spent less per voter, clerks say. But they didn’t necessarily draw more voters.

The request to the U.S. Department of Justice comes after Texas undermined ballot secrecy in the name of election transparency.